The GizmoCopter Project
GizmoCopter Project Results for ELJ Contest, Aug 2001

Propellers vs. Power Consumption

Prop RPM Volts Amps Watts Thrust oz Thrust lb*4 Thrust/W mAh/min mWh/min Thrust/A
12x8 6000 11 21 231 44 11 0.190476 350 3850 2.095238
12x8 6500 12 24 288 52 13 0.180556 400 4800 2.166667
12x8 7000 13 27 351 57 14.25 0.162393 450 5850 2.111111
13x8 5500 10 24 240 52 13 0.216667 400 4000 2.166667
13x8 6000 11.5 28 322 60 15 0.186335 466.6667 5366.667 2.142857
13x8 6500 13 32 416 67 16.75 0.161058 533.3333 6933.333 2.09375
14x8 4500 9 23 207 50 12.5 0.241546 383.3333 3450 2.173913
14x8 5000 10 29 290 62 15.5 0.213793 483.3333 4833.333 2.137931
14x8 5500 11.5 35 402.5 74 18.5 0.183851 583.3333 6708.333 2.114286


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GizmoCopter is a trademark of the Experimental Rocket Propulsion Society, a California non-profit organization.